
Credit approval system(CAS)

Credit approval system. Previously home loan, personal loan, credit card loan, car loan -> manual propose with paper with the documents to request for credit cards.

Credit approval system(CAS)

Credit approval system. Previously home loan, personal loan, credit card loan, car loan -> manual propose with paper with the documents to request for credit cards. Departments -> business division (RM, PMO, Telesales). Then loan disbursement. To the CRM -> Credit risk management -> supervisor sees the eligibility of the loan seekers. Parameters ke determine kore. Grading. They do the CRG - Credit risk grading. Main approval is done here. For the disbursement they send it to the Asset operation team sees this issue.

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Credit approval system. Previously home loan, personal loan, credit card loan, car loan -> manual propose with paper with the documents to request for credit cards.